domingo, 6 de julio de 2014

México - París

The Faculty  Led IEMI-Paris adventure, started in June 28 in Mexico City. We arrived to the airport many hours before the fly and we had to  wait  for the check in, meanwhile we looked for the best exchange rate, the boys watched the football in the TV., others went to buy personal items that they might have forgotten at home, and the rest where saying good bye to their loved ones.
When in the airplane, we had to fly for more than 10 hours and bear the uncomfortable sits, after that long and exhausted trip; finally we arrived to Paris in June 29, 2:30pm approx.  where Omayra were waiting to take us to the hostel.
From the first moment of our arrival was inevitable to compare what we have in Mexico to what we see in France, how different the two countries are talking about culture, education, economy, infrastructure, gastronomy, and people.
I am very impressed about the economy and very modern infrastructure, the buying power, and of course of the fashion that we can see everywhere, even in the subway. People mood change easily for many reasons.  Night life it´s very present here, we can see people everywhere because we have day light until 10 or 11 pm.
I am very happy to be here in France, and to share this adventure with my classmates, Maru , Veronique , Omayra , and all my Professors during my stay at IEMI.

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